Mathematics of the Mandelbrot Set

Mathematics of the Mandelbrot Set

Amazingly the beautiful and extremely complex patterns of the Mandelbrot Set are generated entirely from the equation below:


Zn+1 = Z2n + c


This is a basically an iteration equation to solve a quadratic similar to x2 + x + c = 0 ie  xn+1 = xn + c  The difference is that in the above equation c, and Z are complex numbers, or vectors in the form x + iy where i is √-1. The variable c is defined as being in the Mandelbrot set if the equation is convergent with increasing values of n.


The way the Mandelbrot Set is displayed is

  1. Let c be a complex constant, that represents the position on the screen ( c= x + iy)
  2. Let z0 = 0 be the first iteration
  3. Calculate the first iteration using  Zn+1 = Z2n + c
  4. Repeat step 3 until
    1. the modulus of z (the length) exceeds a preset value OR
    2. the number of iterations exceeds a preset value, which shows convergence
  5. Plot the point c using a colour the represents the number of iteration n, in the case of convergence this is usually black.

And that is a Mandelbrot Set!

Chorus to song Mandelbrot Set

Take a point called Z in the complex plane Let Z1 be Z squared plus C And Z2 is Z1 squared plus C And Z3 is Z2 squared plus C and so on If the series of Z’s should always stay Close to Z and never trend away That point is in the Mandelbrot Set
Song by Jonathen Coulton

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