Using the Datasheet & Question Paper
There is so much knowledge required to answer A-Level exam papers that it is essential to be able to use every last drop of information that is ‘hidden’ in the data sheets and question papers.
Take the Question: What is the quark configuration of a proton?
Below is an extract from the data sheet and it has all the information you need to answer the question!

Notice in the data sheet: A proton has a charge of plus one, the exam paper tells you it is made of quarks. You look at quarks on the data sheet, see extract below. A quark is a Baryon, each quark listed has a charge of 1/3 there so you need total of three to make a Baryon therefor it must be 2 up Quarks plus 1 down.
Answer: UUD
SMART use of the Datasheet and the Question paper can save you and awful lot of learning by rote unrelated facts. That will save you a lot of precious time and make you feel pretty good too!