Quick Answer Checking

Very Quick and Easy ways to check your exam question answers to maximise your grades. These simple checks take seconds and could improve your Maths exam results by one or two grade. It feel GREAT to succeed!

The KEY to Checks

You’ve finished a question, next thought rush on to the next question.


When you’ve just finished a question the whole question in your head, NOW is the time for some quick checks. The idea that you can check through at the end of the paper is a BIG mistake.


The reason you need to check is that if there are ten questions in the paper and you make an error on each one you’ll loose 10 marks that will be two whole grades.

10 Seconds Check List

You need a quick mental check list, that just takes a few seconds.

  • Did I answer the question, e.g. the question asked for the coordinates of a point, you worked really hard to get the x coordinate and forgot to sub back in for the y to give (x,y)
  • Does the answer feel correct? Is the answer possible?
  • If you’ve used a calculator to do a very rough mental check by rounding the figures e.g. is 102×48/8xpi=194.8, quick check rounds that to 100×48/24 ie 200 sounds good, you know the decimal point is in the right place.
  • Have I given the correct units for the answer.
  • Is my calculator set to degrees or radians?

When you’ve done all the hard work the last thing you want to do is loose grades on minor avoidable error. The check list above takes longer to read than to do it.

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